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Developing Klever Suite: Tokyo Techies’ Solution to Boost Productivity
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Written by:
Alisha Widianti

As a growing startup, Tokyo Techies is always looking for better ways to optimize productivity. We found that having the right productivity tools at our team’s disposal helps get our work done faster, making us avid users of productivity tools. We simultaneously used different solutions to solve specific issues, from task and content management to project management. As our business continues to evolve, we met critical hurdles; soaring costs and little visibility of operations.

That’s when we realized – with various tools we used separately, why not consolidate all the tools we needed in one space? Keep reading to see how we developed Klever Suite – Tokyo Techies’ productivity solution to help you reach new productivity heights –  came to fruition. 

The Dawn of Klever Suite

When we started, we already had a set of popular business applications like Confluence, Trello, JIRA, Google Workspace, Mailchimp, and more that we used to accomplish our daily tasks. We ran our business activities by combining multiple free and paid cloud tools. Thanks to a productivity tool like Figma, creating high-fidelity wireframes has never been easier and more accessible. Work messaging app like Slack also helps our remote teams communicate rapidly and effectively. 

Using productivity tools in a fast business landscape is a surefire way to maximize 40 hours a week spent at work. But, even though we had these tools at our fingertips, we still scrambled to keep up with our circumstances. As our company evolved and the number of clients, projects, and team members increased, the costs of using multiple tools soared, and we needed more visibility into our expanding operations. Juggling all these tools at once was causing us more headaches than solutions.

Here were the hurdles we faced in using multiple tools at once:

Using various tools was costly

The cost of productivity was skyrocketing. We juggled multiple softwares with their own varying pricing plans: tiered pricing, per-user pricing, freemium, and more. Even so, we found ourselves purchasing additional features for specific projects. 

We primarily work in small, agile teams in most of our projects, so only a select few members are active users of these pricy features. Despite this, we were still paying for our entire company’s access to these features. 

As our team and projects continuously grew, the financial burden of using multiple paid tools grew overwhelming, and we knew we had to find another option. 

Couldn’t get a look at all the business activities at once.

Our teams were using different tools to complete their tasks. We had to constantly switch between various tools and workspaces to see what was ongoing in our teams. Confluence for client projects, JIRA for task management, Trello for SNS content calendars - each tool provided a mere fragment of the complete picture of our entire workflow and operations. In the fast-paced world of a startup, visibility is critical, yet our current processes hinder visibility.

Critical information and data are in different software and are not readily available in one place. We spend too much time looking for information in other tools, causing a productivity nightmare. Our key leaders could not glimpse our activities all at once since our teams worked in different workspaces. As our teams grow, our need for a centralized, customizable solution becomes much more crucial.

Tools weren’t customizable to our workflows.

Most of our tools were not a one-size-fits-all solution. Each tool was intended to solve a specific need. Because of this, customization or adapting our tools to meet our unique needs of projects and workflows was not possible. Despite having a tool that could solve a problem in our projects, we could not tailor the solution to meet our requirements. 

Even with in-house developers, we experienced hurdles in customization if there were no relevant APIs, which would make it easier to innovate and customize our tools accordingly. The inflexibility of our current tools were impractical and hindered our productivity. 


We were not alone! 

Klever Suite was born out of the frustrations of our teams’ struggles to keep up with all the tasks, projects, and information in different tools. Now, all our teams are using Klever Suite to run most of our daily tasks. 

Once we validated Klever Suite with other small and medium-sized businesses and startup founders, we realized we were not alone in our struggles. Many companies struggle to have a bird’s eye view of what's happening across teams because they use multiple software tools to organize their workflows and information assets.

That’s why Tokyo Techies developed Klever Suite - to help optimize the productivity of our Techies and other firms and accomplish great things! We also have released Klever Suite to early adopters as a set of productivity tools and received positive feedback; and now, we are excited to bring our all-in-one productivity tool to you.

Say goodbye to disorganized workflows and hello to smooth-running productivity with Klever Suite!

Klever Suite logo: your new favorite productivity solution for your teams.
Meet Klever Suite: your new favorite productivity solution for your teams.

Say goodbye to disorganized workflows and hello to smooth-running productivity with Klever Suite! 

Maximize Your Productivity with Klever Suite

Klever Suite is a set of business apps you can readily use to manage documents, tasks, and projects in one workspace. 

Within Klever Suite, you are equipped with three applications from the get-go!  –  Klever Wiki, Klever Project, and Klever ToDo. 

Klever Suite comes with three different apps: Klever Wiki, Klever Project and Klever ToDo to help you and your teams get things done!

Learn more about Klever Suite!

Create, share, and organize content in Klever Wiki

Klever Wiki is the ultimate content collaboration tool. With Klever Wiki, you can easily create and share documents across your teams in one organized location. All documents are located in their own workspace or “Space,” which you can customize to fit your team’s purpose. Once you have created your own Space, invite your team members to collaborate by granting them access.

In Klever Wiki, you can create all the contents you need to keep your teams aligned. If one Wiki doc isn’t enough, use Klever Wiki’s child pages to organize long chunks of content under the same umbrella topic. Feel free to move a Klever Wiki doc to whichever umbrella topic you see fit in your Space! 

Viewing your document on a Klever Wiki Space
View the document you created on your Klever Wiki Space

Creating a doc with essential tables, diagrams, or pictures in Klever Wiki is an absolute breeze thanks to our built-in tables and integration and attaching images and files feature! You can re-edit your content and include a code block in your document to easily share code with your teams. Even if you're editing your contents the same time as your team members, your progress is continuously saved! Klever Wiki makes collaborating and sharing knowledge with your teams simple and seamless.

Edit your document and organize with headings or add additional information
Edit your document and organize with headings or add additional information

Klever Wiki's dropdown menu where you can add some tables, files & images, diagrams, links, and even code block
Klever Wiki's dropdown menu where you can add some tables, files & images, diagrams, links, and even code block 😎

Simplify project management with Klever Project

Klever Project helps you run and manage the ongoing projects within your team effectively. Our Project app lets you run general-purpose projects in Kanban or Scrum mode, utilizing the Scrum development methodology widely used by software development companies. 

In Klever Project, create a general overview of the project, set up your project task board, and assign task tickets to you or other team members. We understand some client projects contain confidential information, so we make sure you can also grant permissions to  relevant members to view the project and participate when you are the Project Admin with our Klever Project permissions settings.  

View your Tasks & Subtask easily in Klever Project
View your Tasks & Subtask easily in Klever Project

The Project board lets you streamline your task workflow by creating project ‘Stages,’ giving you clarity on what your team is working on, what is completed, and what needs to be done. If you prefer a List-view of your project, you can easily change the layout of your Project board. 

In Klever Project, assigning task tickets to your team members has never been easier with our Task and Subtask feature. Write all the task details you need in one ticket and break it down into smaller Subtasks to make it more manageable for your team members to complete the work. Plus, Klever Project grants you reports on your project, so you can see your team’s performance on the project and how much time is spent on a given task through a Gantt chart.

Stay ahead of your To-Dos with Klever ToDo

Keeping everything visible helps you stay aligned with your goals. Klever ToDo lets you create, organize, and manage your day-to-day tasks so you never miss a to-do item! With ToDo, you can quickly review your ongoing duties or check the work items you have accomplished.

Check all your tasks on Klever ToDo and never miss a To-Do item!
Check all your tasks on Klever ToDo and never miss a To-Do item!

Like our Project board, ToDo lets you streamline your task workflow through “Stages.” You can look at your tasks' progress depending on your Stage, “Done,” or “In Progress.” Each ToDo stage is entirely customizable, so you can freely move the Stage from left to right or edit the Stage title. Few of you may be comfortable working on a List view of your tasks – ToDo also lets you change how you view your ToDo with a List or Stage view.

Make the most of your time and work smarter with Klever Suite - Try our 90-day free trial now!

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